Steve's Triumph Spitfire 1600
The ongoing saaaaaaga

One of the best things I could do is share some of the great sites from which I have learned so much.
The Triumph Experience (Spitfire/GT6) - Forum
Triumph Spitfire & GT6 Magazine
There are a number of very sharp guys out there who have gone to great lengths to publish some fabulous information...
Paul Geithner’s Triumph Spitfire website
Engine Swap Sites or Threads
Dan Patrick and his Son-In-Law - Article
Doug Milligan's Swap on British V-8 Doug also answered a few of my questions, so thanks again Doug.
1976 Triumph Spitfire 5.0 V8 --> Miata 1.8 on Grassroots Motorsports
Sean's 1970 Triumph GT6+ Project - Blog
Dave Herr's Rat Rod - 1972 MK4 Triumph Spitfire project - Turbo Miata 1.8 on Grassroots Motorsports
4AGE Spitfire on British V-8 - (Incomplete)
Larry Breitkreitz's 1973 Spitfire, with Toyota 4AGE 4-cylinder on British V-8
Gregxster's Tri-ota Roadster on Triumph Experience
RatRanger's Bigport JDM 4AGE swap on Triumph Experience
Curmudgeon's Rotary GT6 on Grassroots Motorsports
Volvo 5 cylinder 2319cc 850 T5-R
Ford Zetec (a little chatty, but some great info in there)
Some of my favorite Vendors
This page will definitely see some growth!
Please feel free to make some suggestions of sites you have found helpful.
Appropriate Credit
Many, many guys have come up with very ingenious ideas and solutions to various issues with our cars. I believe credit should be given to those people and should never be claimed by a lesser man. On this site I will endeavour to always credit the creator and if I fail, please advise me of my shortcoming.