Steve's Triumph Spitfire 1600
The ongoing saaaaaaga

Accelerator Pedal and Cable:

Well it doesn't get any sweeter than this! Although the Miata Cable exits the Firewall horizontally and the Spitfire cable exits vertically, the installation really could not be any easier.

Line ‘er up
In the Spit, I Lined up the Miata cable from the top just inboard of the Brake MC and after making a template, cut the hole square to accommodate the Miata plastic clip that secures it to the firewall then ran the line to the Throttle Body.

Modifying the Pedal Linkage
Looking at the Miata set-up I saw that I could just ignore the little yellow clip and with my rotary tool enlarge the hemispherical receiving area of the stock Spitfire Accelerator Lever for the larger ball of the new cable. Hopefully then the Spitfire clip would fit snugly around it.

On first fit I got pretty excited, but when I installed the clip it wasn’t seated very well so I enlarged the hole in the clip (because the Miata ball is larger than the Spit's there was room here) and it fit perfect.

Final Fitment
The cable is exactly the correct length and aside from just securing it to the firewall I was done and it was almost as good as a factory fit.